Medical School for Attorneys
Florida Course 6090-6 CLE hrs:General-14; Ethics-3; Subst abuse-1; Mental illness-1;
Appellate Practice Certification -10.5; Civil Tr Cert- 10.5;

The ONLY medical school teaching trial needs of both plaintiff and defense lawyers.
This IS the BEST course of its kind. - - If you do PI or med mal this school WILL improve your results.

Hampton Inn, Orlando, FL
May 31-June 1, 2007 Thur and Fri 9 - 5 pm

For this course type name of each registrant

See discounted books at bottom of this page.
Entire Seminar on 10 DVDs
Same CLE Credit

For this course type name of each registrant

14 hours FL,GA,LA,AR CLE credits Bar Approved - (addl 5 hr option available in FL)
One case consultation included (see below)***
Medical Malpractice and Soft Tissue texts CDs included

All for $495.00

Immediate registration NOW - - Call: (407) 333-4444

*** Also available again. the CLASSIC "Weight of Medical Evidence"
audo CDs in MPG format

Florida Course 6089-6 CLER 12hrs; Civil Trial Cert 9 hrs; Appellate Cert 9 hrs;

12 hrs. audio CDs - only 250.00
For this course type name of each registrant


Overcome the challenges of medical malpractice and personal injury cases against sophisticated opponents.
An exclusive opportunity for lawyers.
When you take on a giant, battle with manpower, money and litigation skills. Knowledge is power!.
Where can you find this edge? - Here at this comprehensive medical school for attorneys 2-day seminar.
Presented exclusively by Dr. Harry Rein, the only Doctor-Lawyer-Judge in the United States; successful nationally
and internationally as a trial lawyer, teacher and author, and at this seminar as your personal coach.

Who should attend?
If you do medical malpractice or personal injury litigation, you will learn techniques.

Why attend?
In 2 days Dr. Rein will highlight 4 years of medical school and decades of experience.
Learn creating trial themes, examine medical witnesses, and prevent pitfalls.

What you will learn
The highlights of four years medical school. Important anatomy, physiology, surgical technique and events.
The ins and outs examining medical witnesses. Why doctors think the way they do.
Latest medical trial techniques.

This Course is different because . . .
Exclusively taught by Dr. Rein, the only Doctor-Lawyer-Judge in the United States.
He practiced medicine for over 20 years, has been a trial lawyer for over 20 years,
has tried medical cases throughout the United States for 2 decades and was a Judge with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 12 years.
He is active. He is not retired. He lectures nationally and internationally on a busy schedule.
Research everything you want to know about Dr. Rein at

*** Undecided?
Here is the BONUS
Send a single page summary of a medical case problem to Dr. Rein, at least one month before the course.
It will be specifically answered and addressed within the course presentation.
You may be able to charge your case research for this service.

Continuing Education Credits
The Program is Approved by:
FL Bar for 14 hrs. General CLE Credit, Course # 6090-6
   (Additional Option: 5 hrs Ethics, Professionalism, Mental Illness, Subst. Abuse)
LA MCLE #6751061020 14 hrs (1 hr Ethics; 1hr Professionalism)
GA CLE 12 hrs (1hr Ethics; 4hrs Trial; 1hr Professionalism)
AR CLE 14 hrs (13 hrs CLE and 1 hr Ethics) 

Time and Locations - See above and call: 407 - 333 4444 

Your Registration Fee Includes
Two very full days of leading edge medical school instruction for a trial application.
Included reference materials are the CD texts: "Primer on Soft Tissue Injuries" and "Medical Malpractice Thoughtbook".
Registrants may purchase a printed copy of either or both of these at a 50% discount.
Complimentary beverages.

Cancellation Policy
Please note that all cancellations for our programs must be submitted in writing.
Cancellations received less than 14 days before the course will be refunded less a 25% administrative charge.

The Course: Medical School for Lawyers
An active case being litigated will be background for your unique project.
You will be taught from the medical subjects below.
The goal is quality discovery of medical witnesses. ** You will be developing trial themes.
Learn and recognize the evolving defenses. ** Improve skills by observing and improvising.
Active applications will be continuous throughout both days.

These subjects will be made relevant to discovery and trial. ** Program order will be adjusted according to audience needs.

Friday morning:
Anatomy. Musculoskeletal anatomy. Orthopedics. Head and neck. Thorax.

Friday afternoon:
Cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular surgery. Hematopoetic system. Respiration. Abdomen and pelvis.

Saturday morning:
Digestion. Surgery -- the Acute Abdomen. Reproduction. Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Saturday afternoon:
Urology. Brain and spinal cord. Neurosurgery

We will use topics selected from the following to answer your questions.

Causation. Charting and ratings. Closing. Damages.
Deposition questions. Discovery of defendant. Horizontal review of medical records
Hospital negligence. Hospital duties and direct liability. Infection. Informed consent
Opening statement. Pain. Physician negligence. Planning and discovery
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Related injuries. Soft tissue injuries
Standard of care. The Three Questions. The medical record is a legal document. Traumatic arthritis

The program is entirely produced and created © 1990, 2001, 2004 for and by:
Harry Rein, J.D. M.D. 1877 Wingfield Drive Longwood, FL 32779 (407) 333-4444

All inclusive fee (FL & GA) $495.

Paralegals can help you. Enroll them at a 50% discount (only $250.00)
when they attend with a member attorney of the same firm with the same firm address.

Name of paralegal

Textbook discounts only for registrants. No shipping fee.  
The Medical Malpractice Thoughtbook - - Regularly $100. - - - Seminar $65.
The Primer on Soft Tissue Injury - - Regularly $75. - - - Seminar $50.00

Both Books - - Regularly $175. - - - Seminar $115.00

*** The fastest way to register or get books NOW is by phone: 407 - 333 4444
c/o Harry Rein, J.D. M.D.
1877 Wingfield Dr.
Longwood, FL 32779